Just a moment, please...

Select what has happened? ?

Could you give us a little more information? ?

What happens when you try to start?

Are there any indicator lights on?

Which of the following applies

How did you notice this ?

Is the spare tyre in the car

Can you see any damage to the car?

Which of the following applies ?

Can you see any damage to the car?

Describe the damage extent.

What did you crash into ?

Could you give us a little more information? ?

Is the car running?

Comments (not mandatory)

Palvelun kattavuus

Huomioithan, että Dacia Tiepalvelu kattaa auton takuun piiriin kuuluvat viat.

Muun muassa onnettomuus, ulosajo, renkaan puhkeaminen, polttoaineen loppuminen tai akun tyhjeneminen eivät sisälly Dacian tiepalvelusopimukseen.

Halutessasi voit silti hyödyntää myös palvelusopimuksen ulkopuolisia toimintoja tämän sovelluksen kautta omakustanteisesti.

When do you need help ?

I am on the highway and the car will not staying on.

My car is parked in a safe place and I can continue my journey.

My car is for example at home yard.

Vehicle location ?

Confirm the location


Select the destination address ?

e.g. ABC-123

E.g. Dacia Duster

E.g. 55000

Would we be able to get the keys by calling 15 minutes in advance? Are the keys hidden or available at a gas station, store, kiosk etc.?

Contact Information

Eg. 0401234657, the number we can reach you on.

Please review the information

Description of the situation

When do you need help
desired date
Pick-up address
Destination address
Vehicle information

Four-wheel drive:
Automatic transmission:
The car is tax-deductible:
Rental car:


Name of the company
Telephone number

payment details


Service provider
REDGO Finland Oy
Läkkisepäntie 23
00620 Helsinki
p. 09 37 477 380
Y-tunnus: 0573845-0

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